Monday, April 11, 2011

BEDA: I am bad at this

The whole point of BEDA is blogging every day in April and so far all I have done is blog mon-thurs. but I had a great weekend so that is all that matters. I really am gonna try to actually do this better by not procrastinating writing this blog till 11 pm, but I am a first class procrastinator. To make up for my lack of blogging I am gonna have a rundown of the weekend for you.


I was on the edge of my seat the entire day, I was gonna go see Atomic Tom w/ my best friend and I was gonna rock the eff out. I actually woke-up around 10 which is pretty unusual for me. My morning and afternoon was pretty boring, I just did house work and ran some errands. As it was inching closer and closer to 9, I was getting pretty hyped up.

We actually got there pretty early b/c we thought the doors were at 8 when the doors was at 9, but it was okay because we just hungout till then and walled to the tattoo shop to see how much it would cost to get my friends belly button pierced. I was super glad that I had looked up the venue on Yelp the day before because if someone hadnt't posted a picture of the door I would have never found it.

The show was just so good!! Lion of Ido opened up and they where brilliant. The leed singer has a great voice and is super hot, and the bass player is an awesome chick that makes me want to learn how to play so I can be that rockin as well. We talked to the band after there set and I got there set list signed and bought their live ep. Next up was Ocean is Theory which is a local band, they were quite good as well, less dancey then Lion of Ido and Atomic Tom but still really good stuff. They have a cd coming out this summer so I hope I can go to the cd release party. Because we were front and center we actually got to chat with Atomic Tom while they set up and get pictures. Their set was unbelivable!!! It is one thing having a good voice, but what some singers never have is good performace value. If a band can perform it doesn't matter that you have heard their songs a million times it is a new experiance. After the show we got to hang with the show and the are all so cool, I wish I lived in New York or that they lived closer to Atlanta.


Saturday was spent mostly leisurly, I started reading A Rake's Guide to Seduction by Caroline Linden and listened to Lion of Ido's EP (which is really good). Around 6 pm I got a call from a friend asking if I wanted to Six Flags with her on Sunday and to go to a hooka lounge with her later that night. I got ready and packed my stuff and made my self look pretty. We went to Devon which is in Buckhead. We had a pretty good time but we were kinda crashing a party so we didn't really know anyone, so while she is cool with that I have a harder time making new friends. I am ok in a more casual setting but I am still a pretty shy person. So after Devon we went to my friends house and ate pizza then slept.


My legs and feet still hurt from Sunday but it was really fun so it was ok. Six Flags is always a blast though I need to get contacts so I don't have to stick my glasses down my bra at ever roller coaster. Plus a lot of the fun of the ride is seeing how high up you are and all I can see w/o my glasses is blurs of colors. Sunday made me release how glad I am that me and sisters always got along b/c my friends siblings kept going at each other. I got a really bad farmers tan, so I am gonna have to go to the tanning bed to even it out. I cannot have bad tanlines at my sisters bridal shower!

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